Thursday, May 27, 2010

I smile more when I feel like I belong

I was on my way to my internship via subway in Korea one summer and this 60-year old man decided he wanted to hit on me. He came over and told me he would give me his name card and after I rejected him I texted my mom to tell her what happened. Her reply: “psycho like that need to get their penis thin sliced. mommy good at cooking and chopping, i do it for you. take his name card.”

-My Mom is a Fob

Okay, so I'm incredibly white washed. Compact that with the fact that I've been living in Utah for the last 3 years, and I'd forgotten that there were other people like myself with parents that barely speak English, can intimidate the fuck out of you, and entertain you with their idiosyncratic syntax.

Discovering this makes me wanna call my mother and have dinner with her.

She's sent me just one text message since getting an iPhone, which was completely illegible, so she opts to send pictures of her dog to me instead. But here's a post it that she left for me one morning when I was still living at home. Heh heh.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Speaking of Which

Running Themes

With the onset of June, my facebook newsfeed has been sprinkled hither and tither of wedding announcements and engagement plans, and photos and links of all things in the celebration of love.

I myself, unlike most other young girls, never had dreams of "my perfect wedding," or anything of that sort. Instead of Malibu Beach Barbie, I played librarian and teacher Barbie (yes, I had to make them up on my own). Either that or I'd throw stuff into the street to watch cars run them over, because I was a little asshole as a child.

So, I wasn't exactly the most graceful kid growing up, and I recognized that. From what I remember, I never really flirted with the idea of a dream wedding, falling in love, or all that other gross romantic icky stuff.

Now that I'm older, I'm still not very graceful, I'm kind of immature, and possibly kind of bitter. So, I still don't see marriage in my future, though for different reasons other than merely scoffing at love. However! I have been thinking of my dream wedding as of late, because now that I'm a grown up, I can make my own decisions of what that means, and I have the ability to imagine having a wedding, but not getting married.

Is it weird that mine has zombies in it?

The drawing could have been better, but I ran out of space and I started drinking.

Monday, May 24, 2010

a fresh start

I've put my entire life on the internet on various sites... what's one more?

For the things I've created, and for the things that inspire me to create. In a grown up blog, no less.

Wish me luck